Online Coaching

Online Coaching

September 26, 2016

Coaching That Meets You Exactly Where You are

It starts with a short questionnaire, so I can gather all the details of your goals, current training, diet, lifestyle, sleep, stress, any health concerns, etc. With this information your periodization and training plan will be created and personalized to suit your experience level, schedule, and goals.

A Customized Fitness Program

A lot of people talk about “customized”, but they do not abide by it. There are no cookie cutter programs here. Each phase builds on the one before it, and lays a foundation for the one after it. As your body and goals change, so does your program, which allows for endless results.

Consistent Feedback

Have you gotten tired with coaches who promise the world but don’t follow through? I work with you through a state of the art fitness platform called True Coach. It delivers your workouts, includes demo videos of every exercise, and allows real-time communication between client and coach for feedback and cues.