Author page: admin

Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted

For most people, diet and lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight.  If you have spent decades engraining certain habits and rituals, those things don’t simply flip off like a desk lamp.  Despite your strongest intent, the actions sometimes just don’t kick in.  Day after day, month after month, the changes you want to make are staring at you in the mirror,…

Running Into Trouble

Running Into Trouble

There’s no shortage of jokes around the Crossfit world about how much running sucks, and you may even have a shirt that says “Running Sucks.”  The good news is, that’s mostly right, especially if it’s long distance. Many clients come to us either with a background in endurance athletics or currently include long slow running in their weekly training routine. …

Paleo Nutrition Advice

Paleo Nutrition Advice

In almost every Paleo Challenge I’ve run at gyms, there’s usually one or two members that check in at the halfway point with little to no improvement in their weight and measurements.  Their initial story is “I don’t understand, I’m doing it right.”  But a couple quick questions reveal significant progress-halting circumstances.  Lack of sleep, too much stress, frequent alcohol,… …

This One Goes Out To The Ladies…

This One Goes Out To The Ladies…

…But fellas, listen up.  This concerns you, too. So, you’ve been training for a while – 6 months, maybe a year, or longer.  You eat a clean paleo-style diet and are a gym regular 4-5 times per week.  You’ve seen some great results aesthetically, but there’s one stubborn area that refuses to lean out.  Thighs and hips.  (Men, bear with…

Masticate Your Pabulum

Masticate Your Pabulum

ou’ve just cooked up a delicious dinner.  Medium-rare grass-fed sirloin, asparagus sautéed in coconut oil and garlic, and cauliflower rice.  High fives and satisfied taste buds for making a nutritious and delectable meal.  But are you actually absorbing all the nutrients that food has to offer?  Or will you be dropping them off with the kids at the pool? Chew…